DIY Ice Cream in a Bag: Easy Recipe for Homemade Frozen Treats

How To Make Ice Cream In A Bag

Gather the Ingredients:

To make this simple and delicious homemade ice cream, you will need the following ingredients: 1 cup of heavy cream, 1 cup of whole milk, 1/2 cup of sugar, 1 teaspoon of vanilla extract, ice, and 1/2 cup of rock salt. These basic ingredients are easy to find in most kitchens and will result in a creamy and flavorful frozen treat that you can enjoy anytime. So gather these items before starting the fun process of making your own ice cream at home!

- 1 cup heavy cream

To make homemade ice cream in a bag, you will need 1 cup of heavy cream. Heavy cream is essential for creating a rich and creamy texture in your ice cream. It contains a high fat content, which helps to give the ice cream its smooth consistency. When combined with whole milk, sugar, and vanilla extract, the heavy cream adds a luxurious taste to your frozen treat. Be sure to use fresh heavy cream for the best results in your DIY ice cream adventure.

- 1 cup whole milk

To make homemade ice cream in a bag, you will need 1 cup of whole milk. Whole milk is preferred for its higher fat content, which contributes to the creamy texture of the ice cream. The fat in the milk helps create a smooth and rich consistency when frozen. Additionally, whole milk adds a delicious flavor to the ice cream, enhancing its overall taste. Be sure to use fresh whole milk for the best results in this easy and fun DIY ice cream recipe.

- 1/2 cup sugar

To sweeten our homemade ice cream, we will need to add 1/2 cup of sugar to the mixture. Sugar not only enhances the flavor but also helps create a smooth and creamy texture in the ice cream. It plays a crucial role in lowering the freezing point of the mixture, preventing it from turning into a solid block of ice. The amount of sugar can be adjusted based on personal preference for sweetness. Make sure to mix it well with the heavy cream, whole milk, and vanilla extract before sealing the bag tightly for the next steps in creating your delicious frozen treat.

- 1 teaspoon vanilla extract

To add a delicious flavor to your homemade ice cream, include 1 teaspoon of vanilla extract in the mixture. Vanilla extract is derived from vanilla beans and adds a rich, aromatic taste to desserts. It complements the creamy base of the ice cream, enhancing its overall flavor profile. Be sure to use pure vanilla extract for the best results, as it provides a more intense and authentic vanilla taste compared to artificial flavorings. The addition of vanilla extract will elevate your DIY ice cream, making it a delightful treat for any occasion.

- Ice

When making homemade ice cream in a bag, ice plays a crucial role in the freezing process. Ice is used to create an ice bath that surrounds the small bag containing the ice cream mixture. The cold temperature of the ice helps to freeze the mixture as it is being shaken. Additionally, adding rock salt to the ice lowers its freezing point, allowing it to become colder than 32 degrees Fahrenheit (0 degrees Celsius). This supercooled environment is essential for rapidly freezing and churning the ingredients into creamy ice cream.

- 1/2 cup rock salt

To make homemade ice cream in a bag, you will need 1/2 cup of rock salt. Rock salt is commonly used in ice cream making because it helps lower the freezing point of the ice surrounding the smaller bag containing the ice cream mixture. This allows the mixture to freeze and solidify properly despite being constantly agitated during the shaking process. The rock salt also absorbs heat from the ice, aiding in the freezing process and resulting in a smoother texture for your homemade treat. Be sure to add the rock salt to the ice in the larger bag before placing the small bag with the ice cream mixture inside for optimal results.

Mix the Ingredients:

In a small resealable plastic bag, combine 1 cup of heavy cream, 1 cup of whole milk, 1/2 cup of sugar, and 1 teaspoon of vanilla extract. Seal the bag tightly, ensuring there are no leaks. This mixture will form the base for your homemade ice cream. Mixing these ingredients together thoroughly will ensure a smooth and creamy texture for your frozen treat. The combination of heavy cream and whole milk provides richness, while the sugar adds sweetness and the vanilla extract enhances the flavor profile.

Prepare the Ice Bath:

To create the ice bath, fill a larger resealable plastic bag halfway with ice cubes. The addition of rock salt to the ice lowers its freezing point, allowing the ice cream mixture to freeze more efficiently. Add about 1/2 cup of rock salt to the ice in the bag. The salt helps to melt some of the ice, creating an extra-cold brine that surrounds the small bag containing the ice cream ingredients. This rapid transfer of heat helps freeze the mixture quickly and evenly, resulting in smooth and creamy homemade ice cream.

Place the Small Bag in the Ice Bath:

Once you have sealed the small bag with the ice cream mixture, carefully place it into the larger bag containing the ice and rock salt. The rock salt lowers the freezing point of the ice, creating a super cold environment to freeze the ice cream mixture quickly. This rapid freezing process helps prevent large ice crystals from forming, resulting in a smoother and creamier texture for your homemade treat. Make sure both bags are sealed tightly before proceeding to shake them vigorously to churn and freeze the mixture evenly.

Shake and Freeze:

Seal the larger bag tightly, ensuring no leakage. Shake the bags vigorously for 5-10 minutes; the ice and salt create a super-chilled environment, freezing the mixture. The friction from shaking helps break up ice crystals, resulting in a smooth texture. Monitor consistency by feeling the small bag - it should be firm but not rock solid. Once satisfied, remove the small bag from the ice bath. Wipe it clean before opening to prevent any salt contamination. Scoop out your creamy homemade treat and savor every delicious spoonful!


Once the ice cream has reached your desired consistency, remove the small bag from the ice bath. Before opening it, wipe the small bag clean to prevent any salt from getting into the ice cream. Now, it's time to scoop out your delicious homemade treat! Whether you enjoy it straight from the bag or transfer it to a bowl, savor every creamy spoonful of your DIY ice cream creation. This simple and fun recipe is a perfect way to cool down on a hot day or indulge in a sweet treat anytime you crave something cold and satisfying.

- Scoop out the homemade ice cream and enjoy!

Scoop out the homemade ice cream and enjoy! This DIY ice cream in a bag recipe is a fun and easy way to make delicious frozen treats at home. By following these simple steps, you can create creamy and flavorful ice cream without the need for an ice cream maker. The shaking process helps break up ice crystals, resulting in a smooth and creamy texture. So go ahead, scoop out your creation, savor each bite, and relish in the satisfaction of making your own homemade dessert.